Article: Chinese machtsovername in de Europese zeehavens
Het Chinese staatsconcern Cosco Shipping heeft de macht kunnen grijpen in de Griekse haven Piraeus. Nieuwe regels tegen riskante strategische investeringen door buitenlandse bedrijven hebben niets uitgehaald. Door economisch opportunisme van de lidstaten faalt de Europese Unie als geheel.
china cosco logistics politics | permalink | 2024-02-06 16:03:01

Shipping Carriers by Market Share

“The average cost of shipping a 40ft container from eastern China to the US west coast at short notice rose from less than $2,000 to a peak of $9,699 ... In the 3 years from 2020 to 2022, the industry generated as much profit as it had during the previous 6 decades combined”
containers cosco ft maersk shipping | permalink | 2023-06-26 13:43:04

COSCO Container Tracking
container_tracking cosco | permalink | 2022-06-24 15:58:57