GEPIR: Global Electronic Party Information Registry, Wikipedia
The GS1 GEPIR (Global Electronic Party Information Register) is a distributed database that contains basic information on over 1,000,000 companies in over 100 countries. The database can be searched by GTIN code (includes UPC and EAN-13 codes), container Code (SSCC), location number (GLN), and (in some countries) the company name.
gepir gs1 gtin wikipedia | permalink | 2022-05-29 17:10:07

GEPIR: Global Electronic Party Information Registry
GEPIR (Global Electronic Party Information Registry) is a unique, internet-based service that gives access to basic contact information for companies that are members of GS1.

These member companies use GS1's globally unique identification system to identify their products, physical locations, or shipments.

By simply typing a product bar code number into GEPIR, anyone can find the owner of that barcode's contact information.

Physical location numbers and Shipment numbers can also be used as search criteria.
database gepir gs1 gtin | permalink | 2022-05-29 17:08:56