Traceability is a relatively expensive, heavy-duty, approach to supply chain transaparancy that adds much administrative overhead to all actors in a supply chain. Small wonder then that a company like Cargill will roll out only for their most risky crop: palm oil.
Know-the-Chain's scorecard for food giant Unilever says approvingly that the company is "disclosing more information on its forced labor policies and practices than its peers across all themes". When looking at the actual supplier lists the company provides, it shows how low the bar is: it will have company names but no contact details, adressess, not even the country in all cases. Having for instance rainforest alliance certification codes available would also be a great help in verifying claims made. Finding the supplier lists took some googling as well, although they all seemed to be linked from this page.
Beneath the Surface, Nestle Palm Oil Platform
The complexity of the palm oil supply chain is displayed through a series of decisions that viewers are asked to make in order to ensure a transparent and sustainable palm oil supply chain on the global scale, the company explained. “The Beneath the Surface platform enables users to take a peek at some of the dilemmas Nestlé and many other organisations face with palm oil every day,"