Factsheet; True Price experiment at Albert Heijn

Dit document beschrijft op hoofdlijnen de resultaten, aanpak, data, aannames en beperkingen van de echte prijs analyse die door True Price in opdracht van Albert Heijn is uitgevoerd. Deze analyse volgt de True Price Methodologie (ontwikkeld i.s.m. Wageningen University). Dit is een wetenschappelijk onderbouwde en breed ondersteunde methode om de echte prijs van producten te berekenen. Dit document is geschreven voor lezers die meer willen weten en leren over de berekeningen.
ah coffee factsheet lca true_price | permalink | 2023-07-07 08:51:15

HIGG, Company Website
Higg is an integrated software platform that helps you take responsibility for your entire impact – from materials to products, from factories to stores, from carbon emissions to working conditions.
company_website data esg lca | permalink | 2022-11-16 15:38:46

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Life-cycle assessment (LCA) is a process of evaluating the effects that a product has on the environment over the entire period of its life thereby increasing resource-use efficiency and decreasing liabilities. It can be used to study the environmental impact of either a product or the function the product is designed to perform. LCA is commonly referred to as a "cradle-to-grave" analysis. LCA's key elements are: (1) identify and quantify the environmental loads involved; e.g. the energy and raw materials consumed, the emissions and wastes generated; (2) evaluate the potential environmental impacts of these loads; and (3) assess the options available for reducing these environmental impacts.
definition lca sustainablity | permalink | 2022-07-15 17:24:07