This handbook guides companies on how to use the OECD due diligence framework for achieving living incomes and living wages in global supply chains. It responds to demands by businesses for practical tools to help translate commitments to living incomes and living wages into action as part of their human rights due diligence. The handbook focusses on the agriculture, garment and footwear sectors where inadequate incomes and wages have been identified as prevalent risks. It builds on existing OECD standards on supply chain due diligence and responsible business conduct, notably the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct and the guidances for the agriculture and garment and footwear sectors, and seeks to align with the International Labour Organization (ILO) concept of a living wage.
Report: TRADE REFORMS AND FOOD SECURITY, Conceptualizing the Linkages
The purpose of this publication is to inform the research that underpins policy analysis, and the negotiations and/or prescriptions that follow, such that these enhance, rather than worsen, the food security status of poor countries. It is intended to be complementary to the existing literature that explores the linkages between trade liberalization, economic openness and poverty, but which does not explicitly explore the implications for food security.
The publication contributes to understanding these relationships by:
critically reviewing what is known from the existing literature and other resources so as to facilitate better targeted country-level research and analysis of trade and food security developments;
presenting a conceptual framework for understanding how trade liberalization and related economic reforms can impact upon national and household-level food security;
providing an operational framework for assessing the outcome of past policies, and predicting the consequences of future initiatives, on national and household food security;
Preferred by Nature
Preferred by Nature is a non-profit organisation that supports better land management and business practices that benefit people, nature and climate.
De Rémunéra-score was al voorzien in de wet Egalim-2, een wet die de verbetering van het boereninkomen beoogt. Frankrijk nam in 2017, na de Etats Généraux de l'Alimentation die de net gekozen president Emmanuel Macron toen organiseerde, een aantal maatregelen om de Franse landbouw te ondersteunen. Niet alle maatregelen van het Franse landbouw- en voedselbeleid pakten even goed uit, vandaar het vervolg. Door middel van een label met letters en kleuren, vergelijkbaar met de Nutri-Score, krijgen consumenten inzicht in de prijs die aan de boeren wordt betaald. Het label gaat gelden voor rund-, varkens-, schapen- en geitenvlees, verse groenten en fruit, eieren, melk en zuivel van koeien-, geiten- of schapenmelk. De sectoren wijn, pluimvee(producten) en granen vallen niet onder de regeling. In het decreet wordt geen enkele distributiemethode of afzetkanaal uitgesloten.
Improvin; Company Website
We help agri-food companies measure, report and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their own value chain. At scale.